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Geography at TKA empowers students with the ability to understand and interpret the world around them as well as the changes and challenges that will impact them and the lives of people around the world.

KS3 Curriculum


Geography Skills: Including  a range of skills that allow students to understand the world around them including graphs, grid references and scale on a map.

The British Isles: which nations make up the British Isles; the different kinds of work we do in the UK to power our economy; where people live in the British Isles; how we group countries by how developed they are; what affects the weather and climate in the British Isles.

Kenya as an example of an LEDC: where is Kenya and what landmarks are there; how do the lives of people differ in Kenya and how does that compare to other locations; which jobs are found within Kenya; what is the lifestyle like for those that choose to live in a “traditional” way; how does Kenya trade with other countries.

Rivers and Flooding: the water cycle; where do rivers come from; how do rivers cause flooding; the causes and impacts of flooding in Bangladesh; the causes and impacts of flooding in the UK; what landforms are created by rivers.

Settlements: what were the key features of where settlements were started; what are the features of different types of settlements; how can we model a typical settlements; how does Kingston compare to other settlements.



Migration: what is migration; where is migration happening in the world; what are the different reasons groups of people migrate; how does migration impact those migrating and the countries they migrate to; stories of migration: Mexico to the USA, Syria to the UK

Sustainable Communities: what makes a location sustainable; how do the three Rs help us be sustainable; plastic in our oceans; sustainability project(How sustainable is Kingston? How could Kingston improve its sustainability? How successful will Kingston be at making these sustainable changes?)

Global Warming: what is global warming? Is global warming caused by humans or is it natural? What impacts is global warming having around the world? How can we reduce the causes of global warming?

Dubai: Where is Dubai located? What is the climate like in Dubai? How will the climate cause challenges for Dubai? The wonders of Dubai? Is Dubai the “city of dreams”? What is Dubai’s future?

Tectonic Hazards - Earthquakes: What is the structure of the earth? How are earthquakes caused? What impacts are caused by earthquakes? What can be done to reduce the impacts of earthquakes? How are tsunami caused? What are the impacts of tsunami?

Coasts: Why do so many people live on the coast? How does the coast create interesting landforms? How is the coastline under threat? How can we defend the coast? Creating a shoreline management plan.



China: Where is China? What is the climate like across China? How do we measure development in different countries? Where do people live in China? What are the challenges faced by China? How is China attempting to solve overpopulation?

Tectonic Hazards - Volcanoes: What causes volcanoes? What are the hazards created by volcanic eruptions? How can we predict volcanic eruptions? What can be done to prevent the impacts of volcanic eruptions? How do volcanoes impact countries at different levels of development in different ways? The threat of supervolcanoes. Can you make the right decisions to manage a volcanic eruption?

Ecosystems - The Rainforests: Where are the world's rainforests and why? How have plants adapted to the climate of the rainforest? How do we benefit from the rainforest? What impacts are humans having on the rainforest? What should the Brazilian government be prioritising in the Amazon Rainforest? How can we reduce deforestation of the rainforests?

Ecosystems  - Hot and cold deserts: What is a desert and where are they located? How have plants and animals adapted to the climate of deserts? How have humans adapted their behaviour to live in deserts? What is causing desertification? How can desertification be reduced? How are cold deserts being governed?

Global resources and challenges: How are resources traded and allocated? What are the concerns surrounding the global availability of: food, water, minerals, biodiversity? How can we manage resources sustainably?


For more information on the curriculum beyond KS3 please refer to the Guided Choices and Sixth Form Brochures which can be found on the:

Curriculum Page