At The Kingston Academy we have a smart school uniform and other rules relating to appearance because it:
- Instils pride in the school and provides a sense of belonging and identity;
- Supports positive behaviour and discipline;
- Ensures pupils of all ethnic backgrounds feel welcome;
- Acts as a social leveller and protects children from peer and social pressures to dress in a particular way or to wear fashionable or expensive items;
- Nurtures cohesion and promotes good relations between different groups of pupils and
- Sets an appropriate tone for education.
The majority of the school uniform is available from SchoolZone which is located on the top floor of Bentalls Department Store. Generic items, such as Charcoal Grey trousers, may be purchased from a retailer of your choice (e.g. Marks and Spencer, Next). TKA specific items can only be puchased from School Zone (as identified below) these are branded items.
School Zone at Bentalls
3rd Floor Bentalls Department Store
Wood Street, Kingston Upon Thames, Surrey KT1 1TX
Opening Times:
Monday to Saturday 9:30am til 7:00pm
Sunday 11:00am til 5:00pm
Second-hand uniform is made available to parents through periodic second-hand uniform sales in school (usually termly) and to prospective parents at an annual second-hand uniform sale held in school as part of the Year 6 Transition Day in July.
Pupils in Years 7-11 are expected to wear the uniform, as prescribed in Appendix 1 of the Uniform Policy (link below), neatly and to keep up a good standard of personal appearance, as appropriate for school.

All elements of uniform required by pupils attending TKA:
Compulsory items
- TKA navy school blazer
- White shirt – smart, top button may be left undone if tie is not worn or white open neck blouse
- Charcoal grey trousers or charcoal grey skirt or charcoal grey shorts
- Plain black/dark grey socks or black opaque tights – leggings are not permitted
- Plain black footwear -no open toes or flip flops
- School bag-not a handbag, and able to hold Chromebook and A4 books
Optional items
- TKA school tie KS3/4 have different ties
- TKA navy badged v-neck jumper – the jumper is not to be worn instead of a blazer
- TKA waterproof or a coat/smart jacket – coats/jackets must not be worn inside the school building
Compulsory items
- TKA polo shirt
- TKA sports shorts or TKA skort
- Plain navy or white sports socks
- Trainers – non-marking sole
- Sports bag
Optional items
- TKA football socks – navy with TKA down the back
- Plain navy base layer
- TKA navy tracksuit top
- TKA Track pants or TKA Leggings - TKA branded or plain black or navy, no branding or marking
- TKA Hoodie
The detailed school uniform policy may be found here: TKA Uniform Policy
TKA Equipment List
- Strong waterproof bag
- Chromebook (fully charged)
- Wristwatch
- Pencil case
- Blue/black pen
- Red pen (for pupil feedback)
- Spare pen or spare cartridges if you have a fountain pen
- Two pencils
- Pencil sharpener
- 30cm ruler
- Eraser
- Pair of compasses
- Calculator (see below for recommended models)
- Protractor
- Pair of compasses with a little pencil
- Set of colouring pencils
- Glue stick
- Pair of scissors
- Pair of headphones with a small jack (iPod style headphones are fine – may only be worn for academic purposes)
- Reading book
- Water bottle
Digital devices must be used in school within the conditions specified in the TKA ICT Acceptable Use Agreement.
Please note: ALL equipment should be clearly named

TKA Equipment Requirements