Inclusion / SEND

TKA’s approach to meeting the needs of pupils with Special Educational Needs and Disability are supported by the Local Authority to ensure that all pupils, regardless of their specific needs, make the best possible progress in school. 

Information about how Kingston and Richmond supports children with SEN can be found on the following links- 

  1. SEND Local offer

  2. Support for young people with SEND

  3. SEND parent, carer engagement team

  4. Parent, carer forums Kingston, Richmond

Further information on how The Kingston Academy supports young people can be found in our Special Educational Needs and Disability Policy which is available on the policy page of this website and on request from the school office or in the ‘Questions and Answers for Parents / Carers about SEN’ button below.

TKA is a non-selective, non-faith mixed Free School for pupils aged 11 – 18 years. We have a Specialist Resourced Provision for children whose primary need is Autism Spectrum Condition (ASC) or associated social communication difficulties and who are in receipt of an EHC plan. Places to this provision are allocated by the Local Authority in partnership with the school and the offer is for three places per academic year. 

What are Special Educational Needs?

Children with Special Educational Needs have learning difficulties that make it harder for them to learn than most children of the same age. These children may need extra or different help from that given to others.

Special Educational Needs are broadly defined by the following four areas of need:

  • Communication and Interaction

  • Cognition and learning

  • Social, emotional and mental health

  • Sensory and / or physical needs



Q & A About TKA's SEND Offer

Who can I contact at The Kingston Academy to talk about my child's difficulties with learning, special educational needs or disability?

  • The first point of call should be your child's form teacher.

  • Your child's form teacher will discuss your concerns with the relevant phase SENCo - either Ms Malik Kates for KS3 or Ms Briggs for KS4 and 5. 

  • You may wish to arrange a meeting with them. You can do this via email ( or by contacting the school office (T: 0208 465 6200).

How will the school contact me if they have any concerns about my child's learning, special educational needs or disability?

  • Your child's form teacher may call you or email you to arrange a time for you to come in and discuss the concerns.

  • The SENCo may contact you by phone or email to arrange a time for you to come in and discuss potential ways of supporting your child and helping them to reach their full potential.

Will the school take into account my views and those of my child when planning how best to support us?

  • We believe it is very important for parents / carers to be actively engaged in their child's learning and we encourage dialogue between teachers and parents / carers.  Don't hesitate to get in touch with us if you have any concerns.

  • It is also of paramount importance for us to understand your child's perspective on any difficulties they may experience with their learning.

  • If your child has an EHCP you and your child will be able to air your views termly and at an annual review meeting and your child will be allocated a key worker who can be a point of contact during the year. 

  • If your child appears on our SEND register as requiring support above and beyond that which can be delivered via quality first teaching, they may also be supported by a key worker and you will be contacted regularly by the relevant phase SENCo. 

Are the teachers appropriately trained to support my child's special educational needs / disability?

  • At TKA we believe that the success of the school is largely dependent on the quality of the teaching staff and we have invested heavily in excellent teachers.

  • We believe in on-going professional development and are constantly seeking out appropriate training opportunities for our teaching staff and Inclusion team. 

  • Processes are embedded within TKA to ensure that learning is shared across the whole teaching body.


What type of support is available for children at The Kingston Academy?

  • In consultation with you, your child will have been identified by the Class Teacher or Inclusion Team as needing extra specialist support in school instead of, or in addition to quality first teaching and intervention groups.

  • You will be asked to come to a meeting to discuss your child’s progress and help plan the focused support for your child through writing a SEND support plan.

  • We will deliver personalised support to your child through a programme designed by our SENCo in consultation with any other professionals who may have assessed your child.

  • The majority of support for your child will be delivered in the classroom setting. 

How is the progress of my child measured?

  • Your child’s progress is continually monitored by his/her class teacher and subject teachers.  Your child will be formally assessed twice a year by their subject teacher and you will have an opportunity to discuss their results at a subject teacher/parent/carer evening. 

  • Information is shared with you every term via a school report and/or meeting with your child's teacher.

In addition:

  • For children who have an EHC plan and who are SEN Support who have a SEND support plan, this will be reviewed with your involvement each term.

The effectiveness of the school’s provision for pupils with SEN is evaluated through the schools on-going monitoring cycle by the Senior Leadership Team. This includes:

  • Termly pupil progress meetings

  • Weekly learning walks

  • Weekly Book share amongst the SLT

  • Termly Provision Management audit.

Is The Kingston Academy accessible to children with SEN?

At The Kingston Academy we strongly believe in fulfilling our statutory requirement to be an inclusive school.

  • The school site is accessible to children with physical disabilities. We have specialist equipment (hoists/changing beds) and stair walkers for evacuation purposes.

  • We ensure that equipment used is accessible to all children regardless of their needs.

  • After school provision is accessible to all children including those with SEN.

  • Extra-curricular activities are accessible for children with SEN.

  • Support is provided for children with SEN who require it at lunchtimes and breaks.

What support does The Kingston Academy offer to parents of a child with SEN?

  • Your form teacher is available to discuss your child’s progress or any concerns you may have and to share information about what is working well at home and school so similar strategies can be used.  You can contact them via email or by making an appointment via the school office.

  • Our Inclusion team is available to meet with you to discuss your child’s progress or any concerns or worries you may have, particularly if you feel there are undiagnosed needs and you need advice on how to proceed with assessing these. 

  • All information from outside professionals will be discussed with you with the person involved directly, or where this is not possible, in a report.

  • Homework will be adjusted as needed to your child’s individual needs. The relevant phase SENCo will coordinate and agree this with subject teachers. 

  • The Inclusion team will share information with you about local support groups, courses for parents and holiday activities that are relevant to your child’s needs.

Profile of SEND Intake

We are required by the Department of Education to publicise the profile of our SEN intake.

The profile of our current 2023-24 intake (Year 7, 8, 9, 10, 11,12 and 13) is as follows:

  • 52 pupils have an Education Health Care Plan

  • 123 pupils are on KSEN – SEND Support – Interventions and a support plan in place

  • 144 pupils are on Quality First Teaching – Needs are met by quality teaching in the classroom or pupils who have been identified as having a Special Educational Need but either without a formal diagnosis or need for interventions.

The range of SEN includes Communication and Interaction, Cognition and Learning, Social, Emotional and Mental Health and Sensory and/or Physical.

This is made up of the following groups:

  • 37% of pupils with SEND have needs linked to Cognition and Learning including maths, reading, writing and a range of specific learning difficulties such as dyslexia, dyspraxia and dyscalculia.

  • 25% of pupils with SEND have needs linked to Communication and Interaction including speech, language and social communication and interaction disorders such as Asperger’s and Autism.

  • 28% of pupils with SEND have needs linked to Social, Emotional and Mental Health difficulties including ADHD and ADD

  • 4% of pupils with SEND have needs linked to Physical and/or Sensory difficulties including disabilities affecting vision, hearing and mobility and Medical.

  • 6% of pupils are currently identified as NSA (no specialist assessment).


Use this link to access our SEND policy

SEND Information Report

Use this link to access our SEND information report